So, you've passed your PLAB 1, congratulations! Now it's time to move on to the next step - PLAB 2. It is now the beginning of a new phase that requires careful planning and preparation.
As a PLAB taker myself, I know first-hand the overwhelming feeling that comes with receiving your results. You've probably spent countless hours studying and preparing for the exam, and now that you've passed, you're left wondering what's next. Trust me; you're not alone in this limbo.
After getting my results, I found myself with a long list of things to do but no clear plan. It was a challenging task to prioritize tasks and set a timeline that would help me stay on track towards my PLAB 2 exam. So, I took a week to create a proper plan and timeline for myself, and it made a world of difference. I hope my experience and tips can help you too.
1. Booking your PLAB 2 seat:
As soon as you get your PLAB 1 results, it's best to book your PLAB 2 seat right away. While there are sufficient seats available, it's always better to avoid any delays. Ideally, you should aim for a 3–4-month gap between your PLAB 1 results and PLAB 2. This gives you enough time for preparations, visa applications, and other plans you may have.
I took my PLAB 1 exam on May 26, 2022, and received my results in mid-July. Despite having the option to take PLAB 2 earlier, I decided to book it for December 8th. This allowed me to take a break after graduating in May and work in India for a few months, leaving ample time for other pursuits. If you're planning to take the exam, be sure to plan your timeline accordingly and have internationally enabled debit/credit cards on hand to secure your seat.
2. PLAB 2 Academy:
Choosing an academy for PLAB 2 preparation: The good news is that academies don't matter as much as your own effort and practice. Nonetheless, it's important to choose one that suits your needs and preferences. You can start by comparing notes from different academies, such as those available on telegram.
Group discount: For most academies, you'll need a group of 5 to avail of the discount. You can find potential group members through Facebook groups, PLABABLE (PLAB 1 Qbank) WhatsApp groups, or telegram groups. Once you have your group ready, you can contact the academy and make the payment. (One huge thing ticked off your list phew)
The academy I chose provided two options: a) live online classes plus live offline classes b) Recorded classes plus live offline classes. It's a personal choice, and both options have their pros and cons. I chose the recorded classes plus live offline classes option, as I was working at the time and preferred to study at my own pace and wouldn't have been able to sit 9 am to 7 pm every day for 14 days (UK time)
3. Book accommodation:
Staying in academy accommodation is a great option. It's convenient, cost-effective, and takes the hassle out of finding a separate place to stay. During my exam, I stayed in a 3-bedroom shared flat with a kitchen and 2 toilets shared amongst 5 people. The room was decent, and I paid only 20 pounds/night, which is similar to other academy accommodation rates. Plus, it was just a 2-3 minute walk from the academy, which was a lifesaver during the cold November and December months. My flatmates were amazing, and I even found a practice partner amongst them.
However, if you're looking for more privacy, you can also consider Airbnb options nearby. Just keep in mind that it could be a little expensive at times.
4. How to prepare for PLAB 2 before you fly to the UK?:
Preparing for PLAB 2 can be overwhelming, but it's crucial to have a basic understanding of the exam before you fly to the UK. I would recommend watching at least 60% of the videos (recorded or live online classes) and reading all the scripts once before you arrive. Practicing online with others can also be helpful, but don't stress too much about it. It's okay if you don't go through mannequin, examination, and simman stations before you arrive, as you can do that at the academy. However, it's essential to have a basic idea about the stations and subjects covered in PLAB 2. Going to the UK as a blank slate might make the preparation harder and more stressful.
Having said this, I met people who had been practicing for months and still didn't pass the exam. On the other hand, I also encountered individuals who barely knew the stations and still passed. Remember that the exam is subjective, and it's helpful to have experience working in a hospital setting. (I only had 1 year internship experience)
5. UK Visa:
Applying for a UK visa can be a daunting task, but it's crucial to start your research early. The UK government's website ( provides all the necessary information on visa types, requirements, and fees. Although it can be overwhelming to go through all the information, it's worth taking the time to do so.
I applied for a priority visa to expedite the process. Although I spent more (INR 25,000), it saved me valuable time, giving me one less thing to worry about before I had to fly to the UK.
6. Clinical attachment:
This is the most common question I get from people who are in this journey, how to find a clinical attachment? The answer is RESEARCH!
Finding a clinical attachment can be a challenge, but with research and effort, it's achievable. As an IMG, clinical attachments are essential to gain insight into the NHS system, your duties as a trainee/non trainee, and a multidisciplinary approach. A clinical attachment also provides valuable networking opportunities and a chance to explore a specific field of interest. Researching online, reaching out to hospitals, and contacting people in your network can help you secure a clinical attachment. If you're still unsure about whether to pursue a clinical attachment, I highly recommend it.
I completed a four-week clinical attachment in the Department of Respiratory Medicine, which gave me invaluable experience and knowledge. In my upcoming blog, I'll be detailing the entire process of applying for finding a clinical attachment, providing insights into my experience and offering tips and recommendations for those going through the same journey.
7. EPIC verification:
EPIC verification is an essential step that you should start as soon as possible, as it can take several months to complete. You need your EPIC verification to register with the GMC, so now is the time to get started.
The process involves filling in your basic details, getting them notarised, uploading your PMQ, and waiting for your university to verify it. To speed up the process, consider calling or emailing your university to check on the progress of your verification.
8. Booking ALS course:
Doing the Advanced Life Support (ALS) course can give you a significant advantage when applying for your first NHS job, particularly in Emergency Medicine. While it is an optional course and funded by your NHS trust once you secure a job, it is worth considering due to the competitive nature of healthcare jobs.
However, it is crucial to plan ahead, as these courses are often fully booked 2-3 months in advance. To secure your spot, visit the UK Resuscitation Council website, select your preferred location and dates, and book the course. I took the ALS course as I had ample of time after my PLAB 2 and before starting my attachment and I can attest that every minute of it was worthwhile.
9. Flight tickets:
When it comes to booking your flight tickets, it's a pretty straightforward process. Choose your preferred airline and book your tickets according to your timeline.
Consider booking your to and fro tickets if your clinical attachment dates are already confirmed. This way, you won't have to worry about booking your return flight later on. To save money on flight tickets, plan out your timeline in advance and decide whether or not you want to complete a clinical attachment beforehand.
10. Getting your Forex cards and currency:
Now that you've completed the necessary steps, it's time to prepare for your travel. To ensure convenience and ease of use during your trip, obtaining a forex multicurrency card is highly recommended. Contact your bank to learn about the process, which typically takes no more than 48 hours to complete. Once you have your card, load it with sufficient funds for your trip.
It's also a good idea to have some cash on hand for places where card payment isn't accepted, and coins can also come in handy. By taking these steps, you can enjoy a hassle-free and smooth travel experience.
11. Fly to the UK:
Now that you have completed all the necessary steps, it's time to fly to the UK! Before you leave, take the time to enjoy your last few days with your friends and family. It can be daunting to travel abroad alone, so make sure you have your food situation sorted for the initial few days.
Pack all your documents, essentials, medications, and other items you'll need for your stay. Remember, planning is key to a successful PLAB journey, and you've already come so far. Good luck!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general educational purposes only and should not be taken as professional or medical advice. The author's journey is unique and may not necessarily reflect the experiences of others. Any reliance you place on the information in this blog is solely at your own risk. Readers are encouraged to do their research before making any decisions related to their education or career.
Proud of you TJ!
Everything needed in a single place put out so well! It's going to help so many people
A very well written blog!!! Thankyou for sharing your insights!
Thank you, amazing blog post. Very helpful.